Gliding Queensland | Open Glider Network

Open Glider Network

South East QLD now has an operational set of OGN receivers enabling anyone to see and track gliders in the area. Gliding QLD has provided much of the support to establish the network and it continues to grow.

Access to the OGN is freely available via a number of websites all presenting the same info slightly differently. Being able to see gliders in real-time has a number of applications –

SAR purposes, establishing someone is still in the air
Monitoring progress around a task from the clubhouse
Friends and family being able to see where you are.
Greater aviation community understanding gliding in the area
Overall promotion of gliding

Links to OGN websites:
Spot the gliders! (
Glider RADAR – Real-time Glider tracking
GliderTracker – OGN Websocket Client

Some other resources if you are interested in knowing more about the OGN.

Open Glider Network – Open Glider Network Project
Onglide Range – Maximum Signal Strength – Last 30 Days (